Monday, May 2, 2016

When Flying With Low-cost Carriers


If your online e-ticket purchase you will receive your ticket to confirm the airport. It is better to go to the airport to avoid stress as early as possible with the registration at the last minute. Check guaranteed even with some early careers greater priority boarding. In billing record, you need your reservation code and a form of identification to show, usually passport for international flights required. It is recommended to make sure that your passport at least six Mont after entry is still valid in the other countries. LCCs usually no spaces available seats direction Passengers are able to choose their own seats. Note that the application normally closed 30 minutes before departure and the latest check-in is not possible. LCCs can be very rigid about this rule because he has already paid the ticket, so no metter if you are flying or not to get their money.


Considering most Tham low cost carrieers must be free, some of them priority boarding system have developed. The first priority for Boardin usually have families need with young children and people who help when boarding. Other passengers may be priority for now in failure. If carriers do not have the priority system, you can try to ensure the correct position of the aircraft in various ways. Low cost carriers are stationed generally in remote locations and the transportation by bus. enter Recomneded is the last on the bus, because most probably first dissolved the sense that the aircraft reaches the top. If the entry of the aircraft with telescopic gangways passngers guarantees must be adjacent to the entrance are in the first place.

Denied boarding compensation

cariiers low-cost and other carriers Allways a little more than the actual capacity of aircraft seats to sell, because there is always a certain percentage of passengers who are looking for a specific flight. Therefore, when boarding for the flight of a valid ticket denied yu entitled to denied boarding compensation. Further details can be obtained either MTW.

connecting flights

LCCs usually offer flights connect, but only one point on a flight. So if you book a trip, the flight keeps the connection to another low-cost carrier that require most cre their own luggage trtansfered to take flight to flight and you will need for your flight to check. Therefore, it is recommneded to take as little baggage as possible (is best way a carry) with you and try to study the airport facilities to help you find your way thrue airport quickly and easily ... carraiers Lowcost usually takes not responsible for the loss of their connecting flights, so make sure that you have enough time between flights so I would have enough time (min. 2:00 recommneded) for all neccesarry actions.


Normally, you can change your reservation, but sometimes it's the choice, but it is also expensive. If you need your next flight to change at a later time, it is best to check the economic opportunities, data, because it can be cheaper than the change bookin.


Lowcost not wearing the return of money for the ticket offer paid, chances are that you have to change your reservation for another date for a certain balance. But keep in mind that a certain amount is paid in cash taxes airport and if the flight does not take support required tax amount paid to pay. If you are sure that you have canceled their trip with the carrier who sells the ticket, it gives the name of their departure date, the booking number and other relevant data.

healthy Fly

To make your flight more pleasant, we give some tips tha help you reduce the negative impact of air:
Wear comfortable clothing light
Drink plenty of variety of liquids, including water, so you can compansate watere lost in an aircraft due to the very dry air.
Be careful with the consumption of coffee, tea, Coca-Cola and alcoholic beverages that stimulate the dehydration of the body
Extend your arms and legs regularly.

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